这几天新闻上很常见的一个词:Ponzi scheme。美国华尔街传奇人物、纳斯达克股票市场公司前董事会主席伯纳德·麦道夫11日晨因涉嫌“庞氏骗局”证券欺诈遭警方逮捕。检察人员指控他通过操纵一只对冲基金给投资者损失大约至少500亿美元。  

Ponzi scheme 到底是怎么回事呢?查了相关资料,解释如下: 
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves paying abnormally high returns to investors out of the money paid in by subsequent investors, rather than from the profit from any real business. It is named after Charles Ponzi. A Ponzi scheme has similarities with a pyramid scheme though the two types of fraud are different. 
It usually offers abnormally high short-term returns in order to entice new investors. The perpetuation of the high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises (and pays) requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going. 
The system is destined to collapse because there are little or no underlying earnings from the money received by the promoter. However, the scheme is often interrupted by legal authorities before it collapses, because a Ponzi scheme is suspected and/or because the promoter is selling unregistered securities. As more investors become involved, the likelihood of the scheme coming to the attention of authorities increases. 
The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, who became notorious for using the technique after emigrating from Italy to the United States in 1903. Ponzi was not the first to invent such a scheme, but his operation took in so much money that it was the first to become known throughout the United States. His original scheme was in theory based on arbitraging international reply coupons for postage stamps, but soon diverted later investors' money to support payments to earlier investors and Ponzi's personal wealth. Today's schemes are often considerably more sophisticated than Ponzi's, although the underlying formula is quite similar and the principle behind every Ponzi scheme is to exploit investor naïveté. However, it has been shown that entering a Ponzi scheme can be rational even at the last round of the scheme if a government will likely bail out those participating in the Ponzi scheme. 
用一句话来揭示“庞氏骗局”,就是“拆东墙补西墙”或“借钱还钱”。施骗人以超乎常规的畸高回报吸引投资者,然后用新投资者的钱偿付老投资者,造成高额回 报兑现的假象,再诱骗投资者连本带利继续投资。如此不断往复,雪球越滚越大,参与者越来越多,受骗资金也累积不断增长,施骗人得以从中牟取非法暴利。 



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