This year, six outstanding translation students have joined our company as translation interns, with four of them working in our Xiamen headquarters,one in our Fuzhou branch office and the last one in our American branch office.
Today, we will be saying goodbye to two of them, who will be returning to school after working for two months with us. This was their very first experience as an English-to-Chinese translator in the workplace.

我希望能够将自己在大学阶段学习到的知识运用到实践中,积累经验,增长见闻。实习生 Rachel
When Rachel first joined the company and sat at her desk, she was surprised by the quiet yet busy atmosphere at our office, with translators highly concentrated and focused on their work. “Everyone seemed silent, but their minds were loud, buzzing with ideas. I can see how such a peaceful atmosphere allows them to concentrate.” she commented.
She acknowledged her admiration for her project managers, too: “I could often feel how efficient the senior colleagues were in handling projects and their sense of responsibility. I also hope that, in the future, I can also be as reliable with my work. As a prospective graduate at Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College, I hope to apply the knowledge I have learned at the university level to practical situations to accumulate experience and gain insight.”
她承认自己还钦佩她的项目经理。她说:“在和各位项目经理对接工作的过程中,常常可以感受到成熟职场人处理项目的高效以及对于项目的责任感。我也很希望自己未来能够具备这样可靠的工作能力。作为一名厦门嘉庚学院的准毕业生, 我希望能够将自己在大学阶段学习到的知识运用到实践中,积累经验,增长见闻。”
Thank you, Rachel! We are sure that you will, and we appreciate all that you’ve done!

Rachel was deeply impressed by the importance of the proofreading process: “I had to review some shipping documents and insurance policies for a foreign trade company, translated by a senior in-house translator. Don’t underestimate the work that goes into proofreading! This work helped me learn a lot of professional and authentic expressions in both languages, as I learned about how professional the translation abilities of the in-house translators were at MTS.”
我还需要不断提升自己的综合实力,以便未来能够更好地适应职场生活。实习生 Alexia
In turn, Alexia, an English major from Xiamen University who has just finished her two-month internship with us, thinks that real translation work is very different from the translation courses taught in school. During a brief learning period, where she learned about the strict translation quality standards of ISO9001, Alexia expressed that she feels more prepared to adapt to the workplace in the future.
通过这次培训,我意识到了翻译对格式规范要求是很严谨的。实习生 Helen
One of our new interns, Helen, who comes from Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College, shared how her first few days have gone: “The first days of the internship are mainly for basic training, which includes introduction to translation, editing, proofreading and QA processes, word typesetting skills, and the basics of computer-aided translation. Before, I noticed that many details in formatting usually go unnoticed, and after going through this training, I realized that requirements for translation formatting are quite stringent.”
通过这次实习,我体验到了翻译工作带来的挑战。实习生 Mark
Mark Waters, an English-Written Translation Master’s student at Xiamen University from the US, is doing his internship with us. He expressed that through this internship he is experiencing the challenges that come with translation work, including the high volume of words requiring translation and proofreading on a daily basis with tight deadlines. But, in spite of that, he is very determined to consider pursuing a career in translation and localization industry.
我喜欢MTS友善的企业文化。尽管我远在美国实习,但隔着电脑屏幕也能感受到同事们的积极与热情。 James Lin
James, an student at Middlebury Institute of International Studies, who is an intern of American company in 2022. He has excellent language skills and is good at interpreting. During the internship, he was exposed to more fields in the industry, including translation review, document processing and so on. “During my internship, I saw how translation and interpretation work often involves very technical subject matter, which gave me an even deeper respect for this profession.I also enjoyed the friendly culture at MTS. Even though my internship was remote, I felt my colleagues’ warmth and positivity on the other side of the computer screen. ” He said.
Thanks to our 2022 interns for choosing Mater Translations as their first internship experience. We highly appreciate your efforts and wish all of you the best in your career!